giving back

products with purpose

beyond just the grapes...

A strong guiding belief.

Our commitment to growing the grape variety diversity extends pruning and harvest periods in this region from four weeks to more than eight.

This allows growers and vineyard management companies to provide long-term salaried positions to more vineyard stewards and to provide healthy harvest conditions for their workers.

When any farming region exists on the success of a monocrop or monovarietal its resilience to the climate crisis is drastically reduced.

In 2020, we saw 85% of Willamette Valle producers forfeit their Pinot noir crop due to wildfire smoke.

With this single act, entire communities who rely on the income from picking fruit also suffered, and those who decided to harvest let their workers pick the unhealthy and damaging air quality conditions.

We believe in partnering with farmers, distributors, and retailers who are committed to the health and success of all in the wine supply chain.

to work with grape growers and convert to regenerative organic farming practices for the health of our wine community and industry.

our mission

Limited Addition & Constant Crush wines support the following organizations through donations from sales of our products, select grape purchase partnerships, and providing mentorship and education.

We urge you to explore and support their work.


Empowering Vineyard Stewards through education. Empowering vineyard stewards through education by providing resources and opportunities useful to advancing careers in the Oregon wine industry. Advocate for Vineyard Stewards, valuing them as humans and the work they do to improve wine quality in Oregon. We advocate for increasing accessible educational opportunities. We advocate for a stronger Oregon wine community that is just, equitable and inclusive. Create partnerships with individuals, businesses, and organizations that understand the benefit of investing in and empowering people. We know that a community is stronger when it supports an inclusive environment where everyone feels empowered to share ideas and collaborate.

Kiss the Ground

Kiss The Ground firmly believes that regenerative agriculture is a crucial component of addressing some of the most challenging issues facing our planet, including climate change, human health and nutrition, and water quality.

Our mission is to awaken people to the possibilities of regeneration and inspire participation in the regenerative movement. There is extraordinary potential in the layers beneath our feet… our Earth’s soil.

the roots fund

The Roots Fund is a nonprofit organization focused on securing a pathway for the BIPOC community in wine. Built to create financial support for education, mentorship, and job placement opportunities, The Roots Fund is “doing the work” to create inclusivity for communities of color in the wine industry. Since its foundation in 2020, the organization has raised over a half million dollars and created more than 100 scholarships that will bring years of change and equity into the wine industry. The Roots Fund is committed to investing in communities of color in wine to provide opportunities to those seeking a career or education in all aspects of wine.